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Hello to all of the Busselton Black Dog Ride Volunteers that are assisting with traffic control 😀


Firstly, I would just like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of those that have put their hands up to volunteer for the Busselton Black Dog Ride, you will be assisting the Black Dog Ride in running smoothly and safely as a large group through Busselton. 


The 19th of March is fast approaching, so I thought I would touch base with you all regarding what is involved. I have allocated each volunteer a junction / roundabout in Busselton, as the Black Dog Ride is approaching you will safely stop traffic on the roundabout / junction you are allocated in the direction the ride is travelling, which will allow the ride to continue safely without stopping, it will also keep all the riders together as a large group through Busselton.


This is something that has been done over previous years and usually the Police are leading the ride (so long as they don't have anything else happening), therefor it shouldn't be hard to miss the riders approaching. 

We will try to supply each volunteer with a high viz vest which can be borrowed and returned at the end of the ride, although if you have your own it would be great to bring one along - it is highly reccomended that you wear a high viz vest while stopping traffic. 


If you are meeting us at the event, all motorcycles of volunteers are to be parked on the left-hand side as you enter the gate at 15 Kershaw Street, Busselton. 
Please be there before 8:30am for a quick chat regarding volunteering.


If you are joining the Capel Riders before the Black Dog Ride to ride to the event, the Capel Riders will be meeting at the Capel Park Carpark at 7:15am, stands up at 7:30am heading for the large billboard in Busselton (just before the first roundabout) to meet any one in Busselton that would like to meet before the event - stands up from the Billboard at approx 8am heading for the Black Dog Ride. 

Once we arrive at the event, all volunteers will be required to park on the left-hand side as you enter the gate, this will ensure the volunteers don't get lost in the crowd of motorcycle riders attending - please be available for a chat regarding volunteering where the volunteers are parked at 8:45am.


If you are arriving in a car, please park outside the main gate and walk through, you will see the volunteers parked on the left, come on over for a chat. 


The volunteers will all leave as a group BEFORE the Black Dog Ride once instructed, to allow plenty of time to get setup on allocated junctions / roundabouts.

If you need someone to show you where your intersection is or you would like help at your intersection in getting ready, that can be arranged, just ask 😀 



Junctions & Roundabouts allocated - please find your name listed below for your allocated intersection. 



Clive will be in a blue Mazda Bravo UTE towing the signed Capel Riders trailer - once Clive sees the Black Dog Ride Tail End Charlie he will tag onto the end of the ride - once Clive passes through your allocated position you can then tag onto the back of the ride and follow as usual.


Clive Gregory will be on the junction of Neville Street & Cook Street, the ride will be heading towards Fairlawn Rd.

Clive, please Click below to see where your junction is.


Garry Smith - Junction of Cook Street & Fairlawn Road (Stopping traffic on Fairlawn Road), the ride will be turning LEFT onto Fairlawn Rd.

Garry, please Click below to see where your junction is.


Mario - Junction of Frederick Street & West Street / Barlee Street (Stopping traffic from Barlee Street as the ride will be turning down West Street)

Mario, please Click below to see where your junction is.


Fred Attard - Roundabout on West Street (near K-Mart, Aldi etc) - the ride will contiune down West Street

Fred, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Rhonda Clare - Roundabout on West Street / Peel Terrace (just before the Ship Traffic Lights next to the new servo) - the ride will continue down West Street

Rhonda, please Click below to see where your roundabout is - please note, on the map it is not a roundabout as the roundabout is new.


Dave & Jan - Traffic Lights at the Ship Inn (Bussell HWY) - we have been given the all clear to stop traffic on these lights and like in previous years all motorcycles will continue through even when the lights are on red. The ride will contiune down West Street

Dave & Jan, please Click below to see where your traffic lights are.


Allan Anthony - Roundabout on West Street / Kent Street. The ride will contiune down West Street

Allan, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Peter Stacey - Junction on West Street / Marine Terrace (the ride will be turning RIGHT onto Marine Terrace) 

Peter, please Click below to see where your junction is.


Peter Steele - Roundabout on Marine Terrace / Queen Street (the ride will be turning up Queen Street) 

Peter, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Trevor Holgate - Roundabout on Queen Steet / Adelaide Street (the ride will continue up Queen Street) 

Trevor, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Dan Clifton - Roundabout on Queen Street / Duchess Street (the ride will continue up Queen Street)

Dan, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Neil Glenn - Roundabout on Queen Street / Kent Street (the ride will continue up Queen Street)

Neil, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Tracey Brough - Roundabout on Queen Street / Prince Street (the ride will continue up Queen Street)

Tracey, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Mark 'Spyda' & Sam Prince - Traffic Lights at the intersection of Bussell HWY / Albert Street / Queen Street - we have been given the all clear to stop traffic on these lights and like in previous years all motorcycles will continue through even when the lights are on red.

Mark & Sam, please Click below to see where your traffic lights are.


Gary White - Roundabout on Queen Street / Peel Terrace (the ride will continue straight on to the Bussell HWY)

Garry, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Lynda Harrison (+1) - Roundabout on Bussell HWY / Cammilleri Street (the ride will continue along the Bussell HWY)

Lyndia, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.


Helen Shiosaki - Roundabout on Bussell HWY / Strelly Street (the ride will continue along the Bussell HWY) 

Helen, please Click below to see where your roundabout is.



Roger Harrison (myself) - Roundabout on Bussell HWY / Busselton Bypass

The above might be subject to change slightly on the day




If we get more volunteers I will start putting more people on busy roundabouts / junctions to help current volunteers.


The ride will then continue down the Bussell HWY, turning onto Vasse Hwy - we will then be following the Black Dog Ride. 

Yellow markers usually map out the ride once we have left Busselton heading for Nannup. 

No more volunteering on your behalf is required after Busselton, feel free to follow the ride as normal & have a great day. 

Feel free to safely overtake the tail end Charlie once you have left Busselton. 


Once again, THANK YOU to all that are volunteering, it is much appreciated. You are supporting the Black Dog Ride while getting a great experience. 

As this is a charity event, volunteers that are also taking part in the ride after Busselton to Nannup & Bridgetown are required to register for the event. Tickets can be purchased on the day or from



If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this email or give myself (Roger) a call on 0456071077. 



Kind Regards,
Roger (Doddz) 

Capel Riders Inc. Club President  

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