Just a chance to catch-up with a short ride to a great bakery
Saturday 23rd meeting - Please RSVP on Facebook Event or Contact Us tab
Capel 10am
Please park bikes on the tavern carpark & walk over the road to Colroys
Stands UP 10:30am
Heading out onto the HWY to
Boyanup RD West,
South West HWY,
Dardanup RD West,
Garvey RD
Finishing at the DARDANUP BAKERY 11am for a coffee, pie, cake or whatever you fancy..
Heading back to Capel directly via Boyanup / Railway RD
I’m thinking we’ll be back in Capel just at 12noon
I’ll open the clubhouse for those that fancy a beer or two - it won’t be a big one as I have plans later in the day
This will take me on some back roads I haven’t been on before (Dardanup West Rd / Garvey Rd) so we’ll just be cruising
Reminder, Capel does not have 95 or 98 Fuel - no fuel stops are planned on this ride as it is just a short one but I believe the fuel station in Dardanup might have 98 if needed??