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The next members BIG Trip...... DONGARA
The dates are now locked in, accommodation is planned for anyone wanting to camp or anyone who wants a bed for the night.
October 25th Capel - Jurien Bay
- Accommodation options - if camping feel free to book in at the Tourist Park, if wanting a bed try the tourist park or motel next door.
We'll have dinner at the Sandpiper Tavern
October 26th - Jurien Bay - Dongara
- Accommodation option - BIG 4 Caravan Park - Dinner at Southerlys
October 27th - Dongara
- Accommodation - Second night in Dongara - BBQ for dinner.
October 28th - Heading south via inland road
- Accommodation TBC
October 29th - Home!
More information to follow soon, but here's the heads up to book it off work now if you'd like to come on this great trip!
Please RSVP if coming via the Facebook event OR the Contact Us Tab
Upcoming rides & events in August:
August 3rd: Club Meeting at the Clubhouse starting at 4pm.
Members welcome to attend if available.
August 10th: Last Slice Pizza Dalyellup, members meal, drinks & catch-up from 6pm onwards! Please RSVP on Facebook Event OR 'Contact Us'
August 17th: We will host a club ride on this date, weather depending.
More information to follow soon...
'Busy Bee' - We will host a Busy Bee to take our clubhouse reno's to the next stage, more information to follow...
Members Facebook Group.... - Lets keep it Active!
If you have Facebook please join our 'Members Group'
Called CR - Members Only which can be found HERE.
If you are on the group already, to keep our group active, please 'Like' & 'Comment' on posts you see & also RSVP to Events.. an active group is seen by more of our members on Facebook.
Clubhouse Reno's Update!
The Clubhouse Reno's are coming along nicely! As mentioned in our last newsletter the paving is now complete thanks to members pitching in and helping out which is much appreciated.
The wood has now been delivered for the roof, we will host a busy bee soon to take our clubhouse renos to the next step.
If you haven't already heard, the Capel Riders MSC are off to BALI in August 2025 - The dates are locked in, departing August 6th and returning August 13th, this is plenty of notice to book it off work!
We will aim for a reasonably budget friendly trip, but cheap doesn't mean it won't be bloody good fun!
More information to follow soon but if you would like to come and have a chat about this trip come along to our next club meeting, August 3rd at 'The Clubhouse', 4pm.
Change in Committee Members..
At our last meeting Andy De Blank stepped down as Ordinary Member from the Capel Riders Committe due to personal reasons. Leroy Woodmore put his hand up to fill the vacant position and was voted in by all members present.
We would like to thank Andy for his time on the committee and also welcome Leroy onto the committee.
Toy Ride 2024: Save the date! The Salvos South West Toy Ride 2024 will be kicking off on the second weekend in December, Departing CAPEL December 7th for an Overnighter at the Augusta Hotel with the main event being on the 8th from Augusta to Busselton
The Capel Riders have now taken on this event & this is one of the main events of the year that I would love support from all Capel Riders Members if possible!
Here is plenty of notice, book it off work, book the hotel room (Augusta Hotel, December 7th) & get ready for a not to be missed epic 2024 Toy Ride!!
For more information see our Toy Ride Webpage
York Motorcycle Festival 2025
This years festival was bloody good fun! So we've decided to do it again next year! Departing Capel Saturday April 5th with the main event being on the 6th and then returning home on the 7th!
Campers, no need to book! But if you would like a bed for the night now is the time to start looking at hotels - we will be in York for two nights, the 5th & 6th of April 2025. Please RSVP on the Facebook Event OR 'Contact Us'
Doddz Birthday Event..
Each year The Capel Riders head out on a ride for the Club Presidents Birthday (Doddz) - This year, a ride will be organized followed by a Club Fundraising event back at the Clubhouse - This members event will be hosted October 5th - The ride will probably take in the 'Capel Classic' event and will finish at the clubhouse for beers & a BBQ. Free Camping beside the Clubhouse will be available for those wanting to have a few drinks & spend the night - more information on this to follow soon...
A Big Thank You to all of our members that continue to make this a great club - If you ever need to get in touch, feel free to flick me a message & call in for a beer / coffee & a yarn or you can also contact myself & other committee members via the Contact Us tab. Hopefully we will all catch-up soon, Work & Family life permitting for us all as after all, work & family are priority! Kind Regards Roger (Doddz) Capel Riders Inc. Club President.
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