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Capel Riders Volunteering at the Busselton Triathlon April 2022
April 30th The Capel Riders volunteered at the Busselton Triathlon event.
We started the day by meeting at Colroys at 5:45am to head to Busselton where we met other Capel Riders.
It was a cold morning, 9c but fortunately the rain held off.
The volunteers each received $70 towards fuel for the day, even though some riders used no fuel - had breakfast and lunch included & free Triathlon merchandise! Volunteers also had their next years SC membership fees waved.
Riders were required to nip officials around the Cycle track on their motorbikes when required. The day wrapped up around midday, in time for a free lunch before they all headed off to The Deck for a beer on the club.
Thank you to all those that volunteered, absolute LEGENDS! You done your club proud! - If you are interested in volunteering at events like this please keep a look out on our Facebook page as we have more coming up in the future.

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