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Capel Riders was established in 2020 by
Roger Harrison (Doddz)
Since then the social club has helped to raise 

(and counting.....)
For local charities & also attended many other
charity events hosted by other social clubs to help raise even more donations.

100% of what we raise on any of our charity rides is donated!

Charity Rides
& Volunteering at Events

From time to time The Capel Riders head out on Charity Rides & volunteer at local events that support the community, raising money for a cause we support, or for our local community..
These are just a few charity rides that we have been on.


Photo'd Below... 13/03/21 - The Capel Riders collected money for group member Helen Shiosaki who was raising money for the Cancer Council on behalf of her daughter.
We raised over $600 which was donated directly to the cancer council. 
A great turnout with around 40 bikes.

Click Here for more photos of the day.


Photo'd Below.. The Capel Riders supports the Black Dog Ride - Raising awareness of mental health and suicide prevention - We have also volunteered at the event, helping with traffic control.
Click here to see photos from 2021
Click here to see photos from 2022


Photo'd Below... 31/10/2021 The Capel Riders organised a ride to support the RFDS - Over 100 bikes turned up with riders from as far north as Perth! We raised $520 for the RFDS and also supported the RFDS Motorbike popup stall in Dwelingup where we spent a few thousand more on motorbike gear as a group! 
We headed from Capel to Quindanning via Dwelingup.

A few other clubs joined us on this ride including Red Circle, iRide WA & The Motorbike Riders Of Bunbury.

Click here to see the photos


Photo'd Below...
The Capel Riders supports the RSL. We have been on two RSL fundraiser rides, both close to ANZAC Day, 100% of what was raised was donated to the Capel RSL on the day.
- 25/04/21 - We raised $310 - Photos are on our Facebook Page.
- 24/04/22 - We raised $560 -
Click here to see photos.

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Photo'd below.. The Capel Riders Volunteered at the Busselton Triathlon event, April 30th 2022 - We nipped officials & the media around the cycle course - We met at 5:45am at Colroys to kickstart the day! A chilly 6c in the morning.
Click here to see more photos

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Since 2022, The Capel Riders play a big part in the Salvos South West Toy Ride which helps struggling families at Christmas, to help make sure that children get gifts at Christmas that would otherwise get none.
Click here for more information


More photos & information on other charity rides can be found on our Facebook Page.
When on our charity rides 100% of what we raise is donated to the charity we are riding for.
We also volunteer at local community events & support the local community anyway we can.

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